District Finance Committee
The purpose of the District Finance Committee is to ensure that taxpayer funds are used as effectively and efficiently as possible by reviewing the financial practices of the District and reporting findings and recommendations for improvement to the Board of Education. Five independent citizen members with training and expertise in the analysis, oversight, and management of budgets are appointed to the committee, as well as one member of the Board of Education and one building principal. The committee meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m. For specific dates, please check our District website calendar.
Chuck Landry
Chris Milionis
Ronald Kimbrough
Matt Auerbach, Principal Representative
John Skrobot III, School Board Representative
Kimberly Stock, School Board Alternate
Below you will find financial reports and District Finance Committee minutes for the past two years. If you need information that pre-dates what is listed, please contact Becky Lurty in the Business Office.