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Claymont Thanksgiving Meal Drive

Claymont Thanksgiving Meal Drive

This year, the Claymont Elementary community came together once again to spread gratitude and kindness. Thanks to the vision and dedication of 2nd grade teacher Tori Golebiewski, who started this heartfelt tradition, 180 meals were prepared and shared with dozens of local families in need. 

What was on the menu? Chicken, potatoes, green peas, juice, and a pie big enough to feed a whole block! A huge thank you to local food truck "Out of the Ordinary" who cooked these delicious meals and to everyone who contributed through donations and support. 

This is what #StrongSchoolsStrongCommunity is all about - coming together to care for one another. Happy Thanksgiving, Claymont. You make us all so #Proud2bBSD

2nd Grade Teacher Tori Golebiewski loading up a family's car with Thanksgiving meals.
Student volunteers helping set up for the annual meal drive.
Local family picking up Thanksgiving meals from this year's drive.