School Board
The Brandywine School District Board of Education consists of seven members, each representing a different geographic area within the boundaries of the Brandywine School District. Maps for each of Brandywine's seven representative districts are located on the New Castle County Department of Elections website. Please click here to be redirected, and select the BSD map or a specific district within BSD to see the geographic boundaries. All maps are in PDF format.
Click here to learn more about the School Board members.
If you would like to email the BSD School Board, you can contact each member directly by emailing
Looking for the School Board meeting agenda or other documents? Click here to be redirected to Board Docs. Click Meetings and then select the date of the meeting you wish to view.
- Board Members
- Board Policy Manual
- ESSER Funds Plan
- Meeting Dates (Including Zoom Information & Public Comment)
- Meeting Documents (BoardDocs)
- Meeting Recaps