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Absence Request Form


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Absence Request Form
Brandywine School District requires that parents/guardians submit a written notice for any/all of the following:
  1. All cases of absence or late arrival
  2. Requests for early dismissal
  3. Notification of extended absence

To make this request process easier for our BSD families, we've created an electronic form. When you hit "send," the information you provide will automatically be sent to the attendance secretary at your child's school. You will receive a message on your screen confirming this once you've completed this form.
Student's Legal First Namerequired
First Name
Student's Legal Last Namerequired
Last Name
Please use the calendar button to select dates. Do not manually write in the dates. (Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format)
Please use the calendar button to select dates. Do not manually write in the dates. (Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format)
Parent/Guardian's Name:required
First Name
Last Name
NOTE: If your student will be absent due to a Doctor/Dentist visit, a note from the Physician's Office should also be submitted to your child's school.