Diversify the teacher workforce through the active recruitment of diverse candidates and employment of proven retention strategies to maintain a diverse teacher workforce (i.e. of color including Black or African American, Latinx or Hispanic, males of color, and multilingual teachers).
Diversify leaders through vetted recruitment and proven retention strategies, empowering access via internal and external pathways, producing more leaders of color (i.e. of color including Black or African American, Latinx or Hispanic, males of color, and multilingual leaders).
Implement innovative strategies to retain diverse candidates through a continuum of responsive supports, building a collective educator workforce who believe in extraordinary possibilities for all Delaware students, ultimately bridging and eliminating the opportunity gap.
3.0 Cultivate Culturally Proficient Leadership; Responsibly Implement and Sustain Culturally Responsive Teaching
Reinforce continuous school improvement through the lens of equity to champion effective collaborative engagement in the cycle of continuous school improvement, leveraging research and evidence-based practices to yield excellent outcomes for all students and student groups.
Strengthen leaders’ performance through rigorous ongoing professional learning and development focused on equity, inclusion, and culturally responsive leadership, building leaders’ capacity to skillfully lead stakeholders while providing explicit supports aligned to continuous school improvement goals based on a comprehensive needs assessment and gap analysis.
Shift leaders’ mindsets, affirming all leaders’ stretch their capacity to equitably, inclusively, and culturally and trauma responsively lead, while reflectively building their cultural competency, thus evolving into beacons for social justice on behalf of school districts and school communities.
Increase student achievement for each and every student and student group, by thoroughly implementing culturally responsive teaching, meaningfully connecting theory, research, evidence, and practice to progressive actionable behaviors to eliminate the opportunity gap.
Improve educator effectiveness through the cohesive engagement of ongoing relevant and actionable professional learning and development, focusing on intentionally embedding equity, inclusion, culturally responsive pedagogy, and social justice stances to increase educator effectiveness thus student achievement for all students and student groups.
Shift educators’ mindsets, ensuring all educators reach and uphold an innovative level of awareness, challenging themselves and exercising reciprocal accountability through ongoing equity, inclusion, culturally and trauma responsive, and social justice growth and development.
4.0 Design Equitable, Inclusive, Culturally Responsive and Socially Just Environments
Build equitable systems, structures, and policies by utilizing valid tools and resources to streamline responsible practices informed by research, evidence, and data, accountably addressing systemic challenges to eliminate the opportunity gap (i.e. keenly removing barriers to provide underrepresented students with access to curricular and extracurricular pursuits).
Transform all classroom, school, and office environments to present a sincere welcoming setting reflective of equitable, inclusive, culturally and trauma responsive, and socially just practices conducive for invested family and community engagement linked to the academic, social, and emotional learning, well-being, and performing of all students and student groups.
Implement an ongoing progressive stakeholder learning continuum, inclusive of reflective bias training, social emotional learning, trauma-informed practices, and restorative justice with fidelity to support individual and collective shifts to support a decrease in gaps and elimination of disproportionate consequences including out of school suspensions and expulsions; and the over identification of students into special education, regarding impacted students and student groups.
5.0 Build Active and Fluid Diverse Partnerships
Seek and secure sustainable partnerships from birth to career, connecting with local, state, national and global entities to secure dynamic relationships, cultivating strengths, nurturing needs, providing resources, and highlighting opportunities for stakeholders to thrive.
Align partners with school community goals to launch and foster consistent goal-oriented meaningful partnerships, further enhancing continuous school improvement outcomes for all stakeholders and stakeholder groups thus increased student performance outcomes for all students and student groups.
Mirror students’ post-secondary goals through partner investment, schools’ ingenuity, and family and community engagement to promote all students’ and student groups’ streamlined viable (college and) career pathways, advocating efficacy and ensuring access to opportunities for each students’ future while removing barriers in the pursuit of eliminating the opportunity gap.