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Attendance and Promotion

Under Delaware law, students between the ages of 5 and 16 are required to attend some form of schooling.  To start school, the child must be 5 years old by August 31. Students 16 to 18 years old must attend some form of schooling unless they have written permission from their parents to the contrary.
A student who has four (4) unexcused absences in a school year is considered truant.  If a child is truant, parents/guardians and students may be subjected to legal action.  Please contact your child’s school with questions about your child’s attendance record.

All absences require an on-line absence form to be submitted directly to the school or a parent note, or a professional provider excuse note submitted to the attendance secretary of your child’s school. You may contact your child’s school with any questions regarding your child’s attendance or the attendance policies.

To be promoted to the next grade level, a student must: 
  • Receive a D or better in all grade level required courses.
  • Attend classes for at least 85% of instructional time in any given school year.  
The student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) team and the building principal will make the decision to promote special education students.

Students with limited English and students who have been held back for two years will be promoted by a decision made by the school’s principal and staff.

Graduation Requirements 

Mandated by the Delaware Department of Education and the Brandywine School District, the following credits are required in the listed content areas:
Subject (Credits Required)
  • English (4)
  • Math (4) *Must include Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2
  • Science (3) *One must be Biology
  • Social Studies (3) *One must be U.S. History
  • World Language (2)
  • Fitness Education (1)
  • Career Pathway (3)
  • Electives (3.5)
TOTAL: 24 Credits

High School Promotion Policy

The Brandywine Board of Education may establish requirements over and above the minimum number of credits required by the State Department of Education.

To be promoted to the 10th grade, a student must earn at least 6 credits as follows: 
  • 1 credit in English Language Arts 
  • 1 credit in Mathematics 
  • 1 credit in Science, Social Studies, or World Language
  • 3 credits in other courses/electives 
To be promoted to the 11th grade, a student must earn at least 12 credits as follows: 
  • 2 credits in English Language Arts 
  • 2 credits Mathematics 
  • 2 credits in Science, Social Studies, or World Language
  • 6 credits in other courses/electives 


To be promoted to the 12th grade, a student must earn at least 18 credits as follows: 
  • 3 or 4 credits in English Language Arts (students may take English 11 as well as English 12 at the same time in their final year of high school only) 
  • 3 credits Mathematics 
  • 3 credits in Science, Social Studies, or World Language
  • 9 credits in other courses/electives 

Students must take all remaining course work in the 12th grade to meet the graduation requirements as stated above. In the senior year, a student must carry a course load of at least 2 credits, which shall include English and Mathematics to meet state graduation requirements.