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Sarah Kashner, Coordinator of MTSS


What is MTSS?

What is a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)? MTSS is first and foremost about helping students. MTSS is an evidence-based framework for effectively using multiple systems and supports to simultaneously address students' academic and non-academic needs such as, attendance, behavior, social-emotional or mental well-being, ensuring a holistic approach to supporting students. Data is gathered, progress monitored and utilized to address these needs. More specifically, MTSS is a way that districts and schools organize and provide an equitable education to ensure that students receive the instruction they need to be successful. As a system-level structure, it provides wrap around support for an entire school.
By operating as a MTSS, schools acknowledge that students’ needs vary and so the best way to help them achieve is to provide instruction that is matched to those needs. Within an MTSS, educators carefully monitor student progress, work to ensure that all students receive effective instruction and provide more targeted or individualized support when needed. MTSS is also a strategy for improving outcomes for all students and for creating safe and supportive learning environments free of bullying, harassment, and discrimination.