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Volunteering in BSD

As a district, we are so grateful to our parents, families, and community members who are willing to volunteer their time at our schools, whether that’s on a field trip, in the classroom, or helping in other ways.
In order to become a volunteer, a Volunteer Packet must be on file with the District. These packets are available at any BSD school, or digitally below. Please note that volunteer background checks are only valid for 12 months from the date of the clearance. Any person who would like to volunteer with BSD beyond the 12 months their clearance is valid for must complete an additional criminal background clearance and fill out the “Returning Volunteer” packet found below. For those volunteering with BSD for the first time, the “New Volunteer” packet below will be filled out.
Once a prospective volunteer has filled out their corresponding packet and completed the criminal background clearance, these documents must be provided to the school secretary for the building in which they wish to volunteer for processing.

Below are the requirements of each form found in the packet:

  • Volunteer Information Form
    • Please be sure to check off the duty you’ll be performing as a volunteer
  • Child Protection Registry Request Form
    • All items with an * must be filled out, and the form must be signed by the prospective volunteer
  • Complete the Delaware Department of Education Tuberculosis (TB) Health Questionnaire
    • This form must be signed by the prospective volunteer  
  • Scheduling an appointment for a Criminal Background Clearance
    • Visit and follow the instructions in the packet to register for a Criminal Background Clearance appointment using the service code for BSD Volunteers: 27RY2Z
    • Please submit a copy of your IdentoGO receipt (example is provided in the packet) with your volunteer packet to the school secretary
    • Please DO NOT submit copies of your criminal history, as they cannot be accepted.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Brandywine School District!