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Health Forms

Ensuring the health and safety of our students is a top priority in the Brandywine School District. This section of our website is dedicated to providing parents and guardians with easy access to all necessary health forms required for school attendance, sports participation, and other school-related activities.


Immunization Requirements for Registration
All Delaware schoolchildren must provide proof of immunization in order to be enrolled in a public school.  The immunization record must include the month and year of each immunization:
  1. DtaP, DTP, or DT - five or more doses unless the fourth dose was given after the fourth birthday
  2. OPV or IPV - four or more doses unless the third dose was given after the fourth birthday
  3. MMR - two doses as follows: first dose on or after the first birthday, second dose after the fourth birthday
  4. Hepatitis B - three doses
  5. Varicella - two doses
  6. Tdap booster (grades 9-12 only) - one dose
  7. Meningococcal vaccine (grades 9-12 only) - one dose
Additional Requirements for Registration
  1. Physical within the past two years prior to registration
  2. Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Test or Pediatric TB Risk Assessment with results reported within the past 12 months. These blood tests will also be accepted: QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GI) and SPOT® TB test (TSpot).
  3. Lead Blood Test - for children age five or younger

Students Entering 9th Grade
All students entering 9th grade must have one dose of TdaP (adult booster) and one dose of the meningococcal vaccine in addition to the above requirements.  Incoming 9th graders must also have a physical exam within two years of entering 9th grade.  The exam must be received by the high school within the first 30 days of school.  The following forms will be accepted and are available below:
  • Delaware School Health Examination Form
  • DIAA Pre-Participation Physical Examination Form
  • Health examination or evaluation document from a healthcare practitioner that includes health history, immunizations, results of all medical tests and screenings, any medical diagnoses, prescribed medications and treatments, and healthcare plans
