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English Language Arts

Great reading and writing skills are the basis for a child’s education.  Readers transport themselves to other times and places, gaining insight into culture and the human experience.  Through creative writing, students are given a voice from which to explore their ideas and points of view. Brandywine School District is dedicated to building a sturdy platform from which kids can be successful learners and engage in the global conversation.  
In elementary schools, teachers use the Bookworms Reading and Writing Curriculum.   Bookworms is a structured approach to building meaningful literacy. It uses only intact books, with a variety of both fiction and nonfiction text. Kids spend time building fluency and reading skills in their shared reading time, learn grammar and writing in ELA and hone their comprehension skills during Differentiated Instruction.
Starting in 6th grade, students are offered a strong college-preparatory curriculum in Language Arts. The focus is on high quality literature, composition, and vocabulary. In middle school, each marking period is based on a different kind of text. In the first marking period, students study narrative texts. In the 2nd they study Informative, 3rd: Argument, 4th: Research.  In high school the marking periods focus on the following areas: 1st - Literary Analysis, 2nd - Informative texts; in the 3rd - Argument and in the 4th - Research.

During each marking period, teachers skillfully plan and execute lessons that explore reading, writing, and language.  Students read a combination of classic texts and contemporary works of literature.