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Math is a critical part of every student’s education.  At BSD, students are given a strong knowledge of mathematical theories and systems.
Elementary Level
The district's chosen curriculum for elementary students is Eureka Math. Eureka Math was created by the nonprofit Great Minds. It helps teachers deliver math instruction that provides students with a deep understanding and fluency in math. Crafted by teachers and math scholars, the curriculum carefully builds skill upon skill to ensure that students are successfully meeting the Common Core State Standards. Students 
have access to DreamBox Math, an online math curriculum that offers kids games and lessons at their own pace. In the spring, BSD holds a district-wide DreamBox Math competition.
Middle and High School
Each grade-level curriculum follows the Delaware Common Core Standards for math. Students are expected to engage in deep thinking and make sense of the mathematics being learned so that they can apply their understanding outside the classroom. Accelerated course offerings are available for middle school students, which provide opportunities to complete Algebra 1 and/or Geometry by the end of 8th grade.  At the high school level, students can take advanced classes that include AP Calculus and AP Statistics courses. Students can compete in the Math League as an after-school activity.