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Physical Education

Every day, experts remind us how important it is to make sure exercise is a big part of our lives. Physical movement is key to happiness, a healthy lifestyle and longer life. When kids learn about the joys of movement and physical exercise at an early age, they have a better chance of engaging in activity throughout their lives.
At BSD, kids engage in physical education from K -12th grade.  At the elementary level, the program focuses on the physical, intellectual and social/emotional development of all students. There are many extra
teacher created programs that take place in elementary PE classes.  Some of these events and programs include Field Day, Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart and the MTPE Fitness Festival.
In High School, students take Health class in 10th grade. Students learn how to take care of their whole body, both physical and mental.  Students learn about their body, drugs and alcohol, nutrition and fitness and mental health. Through a series of guest speakers and special programs, students learn how to navigate the healthcare system and how to get help if they need it.