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Advanced Placement

The College Board's Advanced Placement (AP) Program offers students the opportunity to take college-level classes while still in high school. Based on their performance on AP Exams, students can earn college credit that counts toward their college course load. College admissions like to see AP courses included on high school transcripts because they suggest that a student is ready to do college-level work.  Since they are college courses, they are worth more credit hours than high school ones and are a component of a student’s weighted GPA. Similar to IB courses, they are the most rigorous courses that the Brandywine School District offers and are excellent preparation for college.

Registration for AP exams takes place in February and March. AP exams are prepared by the College Board, the same company that administers the PSAT and the SAT.  Exams are given in May and are graded on a 1 to 5 scale, with 5 being the highest. Scores are reported in mid July.

All AP courses are administered by the College Board.  While the individual teacher designs the curriculum, the College Board audits each curriculum.  They make sure it aligns with the standards and objectives for each class as identified by college administrators. Teachers who teach AP classes attend special training through the College Board that certifies them and keeps them current on the content.   

BSD high schools offer AP classes that can be counted as graduation requirements, are driven by student interest, or are required by most college majors.  Some classes are offered every other year. The following AP courses are offered at our high schools.

High School Course AP Offerings

Advanced Placement Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)