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KN & 1st Grade Bus Preview: August 22nd

The Brandywine School District Transportation Department is pleased to provide the opportunity for students in Grades Kindergarten through 1st who will be bus riders and their parents to experience their daily bus ride and route before the school year begins!

On August 22nd, buses will pick up KN-1st grade students and their parents at their designated bus stop and arrive at the schools at the normal school arrival time (8:45am) with a departure of 9:30am. This is a great opportunity for students to introduce themselves to our wonderful bus drivers, get to know their prospective classmates, learn about bus safety rules and what to expect during daily commutes, and take a brief tour of the bus route to ensure students recognize key landmarks and stops.

**Please Note** teachers will NOT be available to discuss student matters, schedules, etc.

The time and location to meet the bus at your stop is located on the bus postcard that will be sent to home addresses later this month.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Brandywine School District Transportation at (302) 762-7181