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College & Career Center

College and career readiness is a phrase that is often used in the education world, but what does it actually mean for high school students? College and career readiness is the ability of a high school student to be prepared for the next step in their educational or career journey. For some, that next step may be attending college, while for others, it may be entering the workforce directly after high school.
In terms of college readiness, it means that students have acquired the knowledge, skills, and mindset to succeed in college-level courses. This includes proficiency in reading, writing, math, world languages,  critical thinking, problem-solving, and time management skills. College readiness  means students are able to navigate the college application process, understand financial aid options, and make informed decisions about their post-secondary education.
For those students who choose to enter the workforce after high school, career readiness means they have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their chosen field. This includes technical skills, such as computer proficiency or mechanical skills, as well as soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. Career readiness means students have explored different career options, understand the job market, and have a plan for achieving their career goals.
To ensure that high school students are college and career ready, schools must provide a comprehensive education that includes rigorous academic courses, career and technical education, opportunities for work-based learning, and guidance and support for post-secondary planning. Teachers and counselors must work together to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to successfully transition to the next phase of their educational or career journey.
College and career readiness results in high school students having the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary to succeed in college-level courses or the workforce. It requires a comprehensive education, that provides students with the academic and technical skills they need, as well as guidance and support for post-secondary planning. By prioritizing college and career readiness, the Brandywine School District helps students achieve their goals and succeed in the 21st-century workforce.
