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Gifted Education Services

The Brandywine School District recognizes the rights of students from all cultural groups and across all economic strata to an education that provides for the maximum development of their potential. This includes students with the capability to perform at higher levels compared to their peers. This right also extends to students who are twice exceptional and may need support, intervention, and guidance to develop academically, socially, and emotionally. Identified students may require services that offer opportunities for acceleration and enrichment beyond the grade-level curriculum.  
Brandywine School District defines gifted education as services that provide learning opportunities centered on the cognitive and affective needs of students who exhibit above average ability to reason and think academically, commit to tasks, and apply analytical creativity to solve problems. The instruction is differentiated and focused on the social and emotional needs of students who demonstrate gifted behaviors. The coursework incorporates compacting, problem-solving, and critical and creative thinking designed to provide opportunities to strengthen abilities to think and work like experts in the discipline.
In the Brandywine School District, gifted services are offered in specific schools for grades K-8. Students may be recommended for gifted education services at any grade level and typically continue to receive gifted education services from year to year, provided their needs are being met. Students identified for gifted education attend the school listed for their grade level; bus transportation is provided for students receiving gifted education services who live in the Brandywine feeder pattern.  Brandywine School District staff work intentionally to ease transitions between schools for students and families.


Grades K-3    Mount Pleasant Elementary School
Grades 4-5    Claymont Elementary School
Grades 6-8    P.S. duPont Middle School

Bus transportation is provided throughout the Brandywine School District for students receiving gifted education services regardless of their home feeder pattern.  Teachers and counselors help students and families ease transitions between schools. Students may be recommended for gifted education services at any grade level and typically continue to receive gifted education services from year to year, provided they are meeting with success.
Referrals for Gifted Education Services
Students Entering Kindergarten 2025-26:
  • All children registered for kindergarten in a Brandywine School District elementary school by September 30, 2025, will be assessed for gifted services. Families registering early will be contacted in March 2025 to schedule. Testing sessions will begin on April 8, 2025, and will continue throughout the summer.
  • Parents who are not registering their children at a BSD school may contact BSD in March 2025 to inquire about scheduling the kindergarten assessment. The student must be registered with their feeder pattern elementary school in order to be assessed.
  • Please note that students must be 5 years old by August 31, 2025, in order to register for kindergarten in BSD in the 2025-26 school year. Early admission may be available for students who turn 5 by September 30, 2025. Contact Cristina Wheeler for more information.
Students Entering Grades 1-8
  • The referral period for students entering grades 1-8 for the 2025-26 school year is now closed. The window for the 2026-27 school year will open on December 1, 2025.
Early Admission Requests
Early Admission requests will be considered for September 1st - October 31st.
For all students who register to attend BSD mid-school year:
Brandywine School District's Gifted Education Services will review newly registered students for mid-year service entry if the student file has documentation that gifted services were being received in their previous school placement. Based on information gathered through the review process a determination regarding placement will be made. Please contact for more information.

All other students must wait until the referral period reopens on December 1.

PLEASE NOTE: All referrals should be submitted directly to Gifted Services, and should not be returned to buildings. No referrals will be accepted from any source after the referral window closes.


For Questions and More Information Contact: