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Applying to the IB Programme

Who should apply to the IB Programme?
The IB Programme is open to all qualified students seeking a challenging educational experience with an international focus.

Students apply for the Middle Years Programme at Talley in 5th grade.  Students who are successful in the Middle Years Programme at Talley will automatically move to the MYP/Diploma Programme at Mount Pleasant in 9th grade.  Students who are new to the IB program as they begin high school should apply to the MYP Programme in the fall of 8th grade.

Parent information nights are held at both schools each fall.  To learn more specific information about each school’s program and parent information, see below. 
Mount Pleasant High School IB Program

Starting in 2020, both Talley and Mount Pleasant are following the same application timeline, which coincides with the School Choice window. All families must apply on the Delaware School Choice website. Each school then has separate supplemental pieces on their websites.
All students who apply for the IB Programme, must also apply for School Choice.  To learn about the process, click here