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Child Find Processes

Child Find is a federally funded program in the State of Delaware that identifies students for special education services.  The BSD Child Find team screens, evaluates, and recommends specific services for preschool and school-aged children.  Child Find screening happens differently for school-aged students than it does for younger children. However, both processes are important because they align students with the services they need as soon as possible so that they can best succeed in school.  

Students who are already enrolled and attending one of Brandywine School District's schools are screened, evaluated, and determined eligible for services (as applicable) through Child Find processes within their home building.  More information can be found in the links below.  Additionally, the links below will take you to more information about the services provided by BSD for preschool-age children and students who attend private, parochial, or home schools within the boundaries of the Brandywine School District.


For more information about preschool Child Find, please contact Sabrina Crews or Donna Barrick at 302-792-3920 x502.

For more information about school-age (K-12) students enrolled in BSD, please contact your school's Special Education Coordinator.

For more information about school-age (K-12) Child Find for students in private schools or home schools within BSD, please contact 302-793-5063.